Computing Infrastructure

The rapid and disruptive changes in computing hardware are creating new opportunities and new challenges for environmental system science. For example, many DOE facilities are investing heavily in GPU-based HPC resources, while many of our community simulation codes and related tools have not been refactored to take advantage of GPUs. Similarly, new sensor technologies, sensor arrays, and edge computing are creating new opportunities to automate the collection of environmental data. However, our community is only beginning to explore these technologies. The Computing Infrastructure (CI) working group strives to ensure the community has the computing resources it needs, whether it’s providing additional mid-range computing resources to provide more time for the community to adjust to GPU-based systems, or helping demonstrate new workflows for new data streams.

The Tahoma supercomputer at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory provides a balance of mid-range CPU based computing with some GPU acclerated nodes. Ensuring ESS scientists have access to the balance of resources that meet their needs is critical.

Computing Infrastructure lead

Lee Ann McCue Lee Ann McCue
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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